Contact Info
Camille Longuet
UN Volunteer, Spain

Grant Researcher and Writer

Hello, my name is Camille Longuet and I am 20 years old. I will be starting in September 2020 my fourth and last year of business administration studies at IE University located in Madrid. I come from a very international background. In fact, I am half French half Turkish and have lived in seven countries. This has offered me several opportunities and lots of experience. In fact, living four years in Djibouti has offered me the incredible experience of working by the sides of UNHCR during the Yemeni crisis. Thanks to this opportunity, I have been able to conduct several interviews in the refugee camps, which have truly impacted the way I see things today.

This incredible experience helped to realize how interested I was about working for an organization such as the United Nations and since then, my goal is to integrate one of their team after I finish studying. Being a volunteer in ASCOA will show me how it is to be part of a working team and will help me understanding better the process of decision making during a crisis such as the one we are currently going through.

Apart from this, I am a very athletic girl as windsurfing is one of my passions. I also enjoy doing some body combat, swimming and other fun sports. I am very outgoing and like spending my time surrounded by my friends, travelling around the world, making short videos, baking, drawing, dancing, listening to music and many other activities.

I believe smiling, laughing and staying positive will bring us more positivity, so I always try my best.

I am very eager to start my 12 weeks journey with the ASCOA team and cannot wait to bring all the help I can!