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On 6 December 2012 in Addis Ababa, the African Union’s (AU) Second Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Maritime-Related Affairs, adopted the 2050 Africa Integrated Maritime Strategy (AIMS). The vision of the Strategy is ―to foster increased wealth creation from Africa’s oceans and seas by developing a sustainable thriving blue economy in a secure and environmentally sustainable manner, as well as increased national, regional and continental stability, through collaborative, concerted, cooperative, coordinated, coherent and trust-building multi-layered efforts to build blocks of maritime sector activities in concert with improving elements of maritime governance.
In March 2015, at the fifteenth ordinary session of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN), African Ministers of Environment adopted the Cairo Declaration on Managing Africa’s Natural Capital for Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication. By doing so, the African States agreed to support efforts aimed at protecting the marine ecosystems through various initiatives.
Accordingly, ASCOA carries out regular and effective advocacy, capacity-building, community awareness, and education activities, and implement beach cleanup every January. In order to enlarge the global network of stakeholders combating marine pollution, and the conservation of sustainable use zones, ASCOA is setting up the Cameroon Beach Cleanup Day (CBCD) that will be commemorated yearly on the 21st of January. On this first occasion of the CBCD, a conference that will engage local champions (NGOs, volunteers, Fisher’s Associations, etc) and partner organizations to lead in the fight against plastic pollution and marine debris will be organized on the 20th of January 2023.
To this end, ASCOA is calling for the submission of Abstracts under the following thematic areas:
1.The impacts of marine debris and plastic pollution on marine and coastal biodiversity in Cameroon.
2.Toward sustainable plastic waste management in Cameroon, an integrated approach.
3.Exploring reuse, up-cycling, recycling and waste to energy technologies as a solution to plastics in Cameroon
4.Challenges associated with plastic waste management, climate impact and socio-economic implications
5.Tackling marine debris and coastal littering through beach cleanup.
6. The role of women in waste management in Cameroon
7.Awareness creation and data reporting on marine debris in Cameroon
Please note that abstracts cannot be accepted if tables or graphs are included. The maximum word count for the abstract body is 500 words.
Abstracts are considered official communications to the conference and will be treated confidentially. Submitters of accepted abstracts agree to attend the meeting and present their abstract as scheduled.
- Language: All abstract should be in English
- Authors can submit their abstracts electronically until: Tuesday, 10 January at 23:59 GMT+1 Cameroon time.
- All presenting authors will receive an acceptance/rejection notification via e-mail by 15 January 2023
- Accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Abstracts not suitable for display will be rejected. Please have your abstract checked for correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formal structure. The organizer reserves the right to edit abstracts, if necessary, prior to the publication in the Conference Proceedings
- You will be redirected to the submission website (Oxford Abstract). Please follow the step-by-step directions to submit your abstract. If you face any issue reach out to us via:
If you have any questions, kindly reach out to us via