With cleaner coasts, an aware youth!

One of the best ways you can make a difference is to inspire others to join you

Have you come across our coastal clean-up events in Cameroon?

We come together every year to collect and document the trash littering our coastline.

Garbage is polluting our waters, which can severely damage our health and kill the animals with whom we share our environment. People living in areas full of trash may suffer from psychological illnesses, like depression and anxiety.

At ASCOA we believe that annual clean-ups are effective in tackling this problem. But, this is not the only reason we do it; we know that our campaigns achieve way more than simply a cleaner coast!

We promote a cleaner and healthier world for our community and for our future.
This is why our clean-ups target young people by exposing them to the problem and suggesting simple solutions anyone can implement. They can experience firsthand the impact of their actions and realize that single acts can lead to larger solutions.

Cumulative destruction requires cumulative solutions

Simply cleaning our environment will not stop it from being littered again, therefore, we hope to address the root of the problem by changing behaviours.

We foster wider participation, especially of young people, in their community’s litter management. With a little guidance, they are willing to go the extra mile to improve their future. They are always ready to volunteer, therefore we suggest activities such as our beach clean-ups that can guide them in taking care of their surroundings.

The campaigns offer a solution to the waste problem and create social bonds that bring our community together to appreciate the environment. More importantly, our clean-ups spark a conversation. They get people thinking about changing their behaviour and encourage them to adopt environmentally-friendly practices.

We aim to create a network of aware youth and spread the word on local issues

We don’t only clean our coasts. We raise awareness while cleaning!

We thrive to create immediate results and permanent changes. We clean, learn, and meet new people. We teach newcomers about the impact of waste, and wish for a better and cleaner environment where members of our society can live happy and productive lives.

A small act of environmental care can have a large impact and build a growing network of environmentalists.

You may ask us, how YOU can help?

You can expand our volunteer network. We appreciate more hands on deck, so, JOIN US on our next clean-up. You can also help by organizing your own trash pick-up event in your community, here in Cameroon, or anywhere in the world. Our planet needs us. You can help wherever you are.

If you’re not in Cameroon but would like to help us, ASCOA welcomes donations to support coastal clean-ups and other activities to save our planet. Click here for more information: https://ascoa-cm.org/donate/

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