International Coastal Clean-up Day 2018

Start time 2018-09-15 08:00
Finished Time 2018-09-15 06:00

Sharing is caring!

Project Overview

The Association for Community Awareness (ASCOA) is a Nongovernmental Organization based in Buea, having assist slogan ‘Together we save more lives’. As part of its activities on protecting and sustaining the environment, the organization carried out a project on the 15th of September, 2018 which is the International Coastal Clean-up in Down Beach Limbe in partnership with Ocean Conservancy organization based in U.S.A.
To ensure the success of the project, ASCOA recruited 80 volunteers within the ages of 19 years to 34 years old to add with its members in carrying out the project. A series of three days feasibility study was carried out on the area of the project and also to observe the sea tides with the help of the Marine Office in Limbe. In addition, a 4 (four) days seminar was also carried out to trained and educate the volunteers on how the project will be conducted and what is expected from them. Members and Volunteers we called upon to some working materials like spade, and barrows. An agreement was also reached between ASCOA and the HYSACAM branch Limbe since they are in charge of waste management in the area to assist us with some of the working materials.

Humanitarian Concern.

As the head of the humanitarian committee of ASCOA, I will say the coastal cleanup day is necessary to be commemorated because the trash and debris of the coastal area affect the environment and lives of both humans and the marine species which are threat to health. As we all know the humanitarian committee is out to save lives and I strongly believe these activities should be taken seriously in order to save more lives of the inhabitants and marine species living in these areas all over the world. In cleaning the coastal areas, I think the lives of both species can be protected.

Miss Njicho Jennifer – Head of the communication committee

Health Concern.

The health committee was charged with covering the cleanup exercise at the Limbe down beach, in terms of safe guarding, taking care of any eventualities that may have arisen. In this light the committee prepared and took along a first Aid kit with the basic items like bandages, gauze, gloves ,face masks, plaster, cotton wool, beta dine, alcohol etc. these items were to offer first aid in case there were any accidents during the cleanup exercise. The gloves and face masks were distributed before the start of the exercise to protect members carrying out the work. In all the clean up went hitch free with no problems which we were grateful

Chrisantus Anye Akuma– Head of Health committee