Sponsorship of Orphans, Vulnerable and HIV Infected Children 2016

Start time 2016-06-15 10:00
Finished Time 2016-06-15 06:00

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Project Overview

HIV/AIDS pandemic is increasing by affecting the lives of children in Sub Saharan Africa. By 2001, Cameroon had reported 1.1% orphans less than 15 years of age and this kind of phenomenon continues to affect the rest of Sub Saharan Africa. Despite the awareness being carried out, the HIV infection is still prevalent, high and evidently seen in urban and rural areas of Cameroon. The second goal as stated by the MDG is to ensure that children everywhere, boys and girls alike have access to education and will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling (United Nations Development Program, 2005). Sadly, in September 2007, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ki-moon, announced that halfway to the deadline, Sub-Saharan Africa is unlikely to meet even a single goal (BBC News Africa, 2007).


Since the 80’s when the HIV/AIDS was realized in Cameroon, it has claimed lives of millions of people and as a result, over 6.5 million children have been left orphaned in Cameroon. The distress and depression upon these children is so great that they are put in a position of rejection and self-pity. They suffer from increasing displacement, marginalization, dissolution of family protection and segregation from the community making them feel they are an economic burden thus they fall behind educationally and even socially. This has tended to have lifelong effects on their development leading to a generation of no hope for tomorrow.


Provision of high quality education and skills to OVCs for better resource exploitation, management and control for improved quality of life

  • To access primary, secondary and vocational education to the orphaned and underprivileged children and youths.
  • To access the vulnerable children and youths with scholastic materials and other training materials.
  • Prevention of the involvement of these children and youths in commercial sex activities, child domestic labor and other immoral activities.
  • To promote more cohesive considerate and creative individuals/societies with equal opportunities and rights for all.